14.11.23: Einladung zur Online-Podiumsdiskussion | Invitation to Online Panel Discussion on Afghanistan: Human Rights Crisis and the Global Community’s Responsibility


14.11.23 – Online-Podiumsdiskussion: Afghanistan: Human Rights Crisis and the Global Community’s Responsibility, 18.30 h – 20.30 h

Online-Veranstaltung via Zoom, um Anmeldung unter https://app.guestoo.de/public/event/a01ea486-9631-4dea-9d45-d1870db941be wird gebeten.


Fereshta Abassi (Forscherin bei Human Rights Watch, Asien-Abteilung https://www.hrw.org/about/people/fereshta-abbasi)

Hussain Anosh (Executive Director der Civil Society and Human Rights Network (https://cshrn.af/) & Sekretariatsleiter vom afghanischen Human Rights Defenders Plus-Netzwerk https://hrd-plus.net/about-us/ )

Asila Wardak (afghanische Diplomatin a.D. & Ministerberaterin bei der afghanischen Delegation der UN, Mitglied der Independent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation & Harvard-Fellow)

Sameer Bedrud (Alumni der Genfer Akademie für International Humanitarian Law und Human Rights, Diplomat a.D. Afghanistans, ehem. Berater an der Botschaft und Ständigen Vertretung Afghanistans in Genf)

Moderation: Ramin Kamangar (Akademiker, Journalist & Autor “The Street; Protest and Power”, Kabul, 2021)

Seit der Machtübernahme durch die Taliban im Jahr 2021 wurde Afghanistan in eine schwere Krise gestürzt,politisch, wirtschaftlich, und vor allem im Bereich der Menschenrechte. Besonders schutzbedürftige Bevölkerungsgruppen wie Frauen, Kinder und bestimmte ethnische Gruppen sind existentiell bedroht.

Die anhaltende Herrschaft der Taliban, Konflikte, politische Instabilität und gesellschaftliche Umwälzungen haben zu anhaltenden Verletzungen grundlegender Menschenrechte geführt, darunter der Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Meinungsfreiheit. Insbesondere die Rechte der Frauen sind bedroht und geben weltweit Anlass zu Sorge und Entsetzen. Mit dieser Podiumsdiskussion wollen wir zusammenkommen, um diese ernste Krise zu erörtern, den Ernst der Lage aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und gemeinsam auf eine gerechter und gleichberechtigte Zukunft für alle Bürger*innen Afghanistans hinzuarbeiten.


14.11.23 – Online-Panel Discussion: Afghanistan: Human Rights Crisis and the Global Community’s Responsibility

When? 18.30 h – 20.00 h

Where? Online, via Zoom, please register via this link: https://app.guestoo.de/public/event/a01ea486-9631-4dea-9d45-d1870db941be

You will get the Zoom link in the confirmation email. Please contact us via event@gafca.org if you are facing difficulties or have questions.

Language? English

On the Topic

Since the Taliban took power in 2021, Afghanistan has been plunged into a severe crisis – a political, an economic and, above all, a human rights crisis. Vulnerable groups, such as women, children and certain ethnic groups, are existentially threatened.

Continued Taliban rule, conflict, political instability and social upheaval have led to ongoing violations of basic human rights, including access to education, healthcare and freedom of expression. Women’s rights in particular are under threat and are a cause for concern and horror worldwide. With this panel discussion, we want to come together to discuss this serious crisis, shed light on the gravity of the situation from different perspectives and work together towards a more just and equal future for all citizens of Afghanistan.


Fereshta Abassi is a researcher in the Asia division at Human Rights Watch. She is researching and documenting ongoing abuses in Afghanistan. For the past 10 years she has documented human rights abuses in Afghanistan with different organizations, including Human Rights Watch and the All-Survivors Project.  She was previously a legal advisor for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), where she trained and developed employees’ legal skills within the Afghan justice sector. She holds an LLM in International Law and Strategic Studies from University of Aberdeen and was a Chevening Scholar in 2019-2020.


Hussain Anosh is the Executive Director of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN). He has worked for the promotion and protection of human rights in Afghanistan since 2012. Both his educational background in law, politics, and human rights and professional experience provided him with the opportunity to gain skills, expertise, and qualification to run the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) in a war-torn country such as Afghanistan. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network is an umbrella organization comprised of 138 members.

Asila Wardak is a former Afghan diplomat & minister counselor at the Afghan mission to the United Nations. She is a member of the Independent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and formerly was also a member of the High Peace Council and worked with various UN agencies and the World Bank in Afghanistan. Currently, she is a fellow at Harvard University and serves on the steering committee of the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan.

Sameer Bedrud is an Alumni of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He is also a former diplomat of the foreign ministry of Afghanistan, and a former counselor at the Embassy and Permanent Mission of Afghanistan in Geneva.

– Moderator: Ramin Kamangar is a lecturer, researcher and author. He has been academically active since 2016. He has been a research fellow at the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) from 2018 until 2022. He co-authored the book “The Street; Protest and Power”, which was published in Kabul in 2021.

The panel discussion is part of our project “Pul” – in German “Brücke“, which aims to create new knowledge and perspectives on topics related to the Afghanistan crisis. In the current media coverage, these topics are usually dealt with in a rather brief and undifferentiated manner. Pul provides more in-depth, well-founded insights into the topic with expert lectures and panel discussions. In addition to increasing knowledge, Pul also aims to build bridges between civil society and Afghan (exile) society through empathy and understanding.

We hope to see you there!