Einladung zur Online-Podiumsdiskussion über Widerstandsbewegungen in Afghanistan

(english below)

Liebe Freund*innen, Unterstützer*innen und Interessierte,

wir laden Sie ganz herzlich ein zu unserer nächsten Online-Podiumsdiskussion am 24.10.23, 18.30 h – 20.00 h.

Zum Thema “Rise again(st) – The Resistance in Afghanistan: Values, Forms, Impact, and Challenges” sprechen wir mit der Aktivistin und Politikwissenschaftlerin Tooba Lutfi, dem ehemaligen Vizefriedensminister von Afghanistan, Abdullah Khenjani, und mit Tabish Forugh, Demokratie-Aktivist, Krisenexperte und Politikanalyst. Die Moderation wird vom Journalisten und Medienexperten Zia Ferozpur übernommen.

Die Veranstaltung findet über Zoom und auf Englisch statt.

Bitte registrieren Sie sich unter folgendem Link:


Nach erfolgreicher Registrierung erhalten Sie den Link zum Zoom-Meeting.

Mehr Details zum Thema können Sie der nachfolgenden englischen Einladung entnehmen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

– Ihr GAFCA-Team



Dear friends, supporters and interested parties,

we invite you to our upcoming online panel discussion on the topic “Rise again(st) – The Resistance in Afghanistan: Values, Forms, Impact, and Challenges”.

When? October, 24th 2023, 18.30-20.00h

Where? Online, on Zoom

Language? English

Please register via the following link. You will receive the URL of the meeting room via your confirmation email. 


Together with our speakers Ms. Tooba Lutfi, political scientist and a spearhead of the female protesters against the Taliban rules, Mr. Abdullah Khenjani, former Deputy Minister of Peace in Afghanistan and crisis expert, activist and political analyst, Mr. Tabish Forugh, we explore questions like the different forms and values of resistance against the Taliban and the challenges and results. Journalist and international media-expert Zia Ferozpur will lead us and our guests through the discussion.

Please see more details on the topic, the questions and the speakers below.  The event will be held on Zoom and in English.

On the topic:

After 20 years, thousands of human sacrificed and billions of dollars spent, the fragile democracy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is gone. On August 15 2021, Afghanistan fell back under the rule of the Taliban. And the Taliban, same as during their previous regime, now control Afghanistan through a monosexual and monoethnical cabinet.

There is no freedom of expression, no civil, no human, no political rights, and the Taliban’s opposition is not only oppressed, but often killed off or tortured. But not everyone can be silenced. As Michel Foucault said, “Where there is power, there is resistance”.

Contrary to common beliefs and reporting, we are witnessing various forms of resistance against the Taliban in Afghanistan, from armed resistance in Panjshir, Andarab, and other areas of Hindukush to the civil protests of women in the streets of Kabul, Balkh, and in Europe.

In the panel discussion, we will discuss the following key questions with our three experts in approx. 60 minutes:

  1. What values is the resistance against the Taliban based on, and in what forms does it come?
  2. What have been the results and impacts of the resistance against the Taliban so far?
  3. What are resistance challenges against the Taliban, and how can we support resistance? How can the media support it, how can the diaspora support it, how can businesses or private people support it?

At the end there will be room for questions and remarks by the audience.

Our panelists:

– Ms. Tooba Lutfi, activist and political scientist, part of the demonstrations against the Taliban in 2021.

– Mr. Abdullah Khenjani, former Deputy Minister of Peace in Afghanistan.

– Mr. Tabish Forugh, crisis expert, democracy activist and political analyst.
